Sunday, October 12, 2008

Broken Capillaries Infant

SIPRUNPCD - Program Information System Single National Registry of Persons with Disabilities

SIPRUNPCD Information System (Single National Registry of Persons with Disabilities) is a tool to register, qualify and carnetizar people with disabilities at the national level to support the program and national health strategy in Bolivia. The implementation of the first version in the cities of La Paz Tarija and served as a basis for developing this system by addressing and taking into account many weaknesses.

The system is currently under production in Bolivia to serve as a basis for the creation of the new law on disability program of the Ministry of Health and Sports with the help of the International Agency cooperative effort of Japan - JICA.

The system works in two forms, online (server) and one offline (customers). The server is configured in the infrastructure that hosts the national health information and epidemiological surveillance.

Access Levels - Registrar.
- Recorder / Carnetizador.
- Local administrator.
- Super Administrator.

Coverage - National.
- Departmental.
- Municipal.
- Institutional. Product

system - Client / Server.
- Distributed.
- Audit of the system.
- Export and import of data.

System Components:
- Registration of persons with disabilities
Data Validation - Security and system auditing
- Backup
- Search
- Import and export data
- and distributed client-server mode
- Mode online / offline
- Customized reports




- ASP.
- SQL Server 2005.
- CodeCharge 4.
- Office Web Components.

Screenshots: Authentication

Main Menu

New Entry

Vista registry




institutions, users and qualifiers

Geographic Area

registration Auritoría

system audit

Customizable reports

Customizable Graphics

Friday, September 26, 2008

Benelli Supersport 20 Guaue

Registration System Project Beneficiaries "CIP"

was performed beneficiary registration system CIP project, implemented by nongovernmental organizations WK KELLOGG FOUNDATION, CEMSE, CIEP, Cumpa, Project Concern International, Pro Mujer and Save the Children in Bolivia.

The modules that re tration system works online are:

- User management, authentication and authorization.
- Management of beneficiaries, training and initiatives.
- Follow-up training and initiatives offered to beneficiaries of the project.
- Record of training.
- Record initiatives.
- Registration of beneficiaries.
- Summary reports and training records.
- Customizable reports in tables and graphs.
- Reports required by the donor.



- ASP.
- SQL Server 2005.
- CodeCharge 3.
- Office Web Components.
- DevExpress Reports.



Beneficiary Record.

List of Beneficiaries.

Training Log.

Listing Qualifications

Initiatives Record

List of Initiatives undertaken

Summary of records entered.

Summary of training conducted.

Summary of initiatives undertaken.

dynamic reports

specific reports for the funder.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Timber Observation Towers

Registration System Project Beneficiaries "My Flame II"

the system was carried out registration of beneficiaries My Llamas II project, implemented by the NGO Project Concern International in Bolivia's most vulnerable communities.

The modules that re tration system works online are:

- User management, authentication and authorization.
- Management and training of beneficiaries.
- Monitoring of the training offered to beneficiaries project.
- Record of training.
- Registration of beneficiaries.
- Summary reports and training records.



- ASP.
- SQL Server 2005.
- CodeCharge 3.



Beneficiary Record.

List of Beneficiaries.

Training Record.

Registration list of participants of the training.

Listing Qualifications

Summary of records entered.

Summary of training conducted.