Monday, August 20, 2007

When I Think Of You Quotes

Who am I? I

Cesar Castro, live in La Paz - Bolivia, was born on 77, studied at the Colegio La Salle, the Universidad Católica Boliviana, Universidad Mayor de San Andres and University Real obtaining the titles of

- Master in Computer UMSA - 2002.
- Diploma in Networking and Communications, Royal University - 2003.
- Diploma in Linux, Royal University - 2003.
- Diploma in Knowledge Management, UMSA -2002.
- Diploma in Object Oriented Development, UMSA - 2002.
- Diploma in Software Engineering, UMSA - 2002.
- Diploma in Web Technology, UMSA - 2002.
- Systems Engineering, UCB - 2000.

work experience I have is the following:

- Coure Tech - Atlanta, GA, developer of the CRM system and websites - 2007.
- Project Concern International - San Diego CA, developer of the prototype of the Global Reporting System - 2006.
- Project Concern International - La Paz, Bolivia, National Head of Systems, from 2001 to 2008.

Knowledge and experience in:
- ASP, ASP.NET C # and VB, PHP 4.5, Javascript and AJAX.
- Access, SQL Server 2000,2005,2008, MySQL 4.5 and Oracle 8,9,10.
- Visual Studio 6, 2005, 2008, 2010.
- CodeCharge Studio 3.4.
- Crystal Reports 8,9,10.
- Data warehouse and data mining on different platforms.

level languages \u200b\u200b
- English, 100%.
- English, 60%.


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