A 4 Chair: Arch J. Moscato Year 2008
Prof Adj: Arq.Julian sirolimus
Chair's proposal was to conduct a housing (350) in the Tigre, on the River. Presented field (70 x 210mts). Project based on the following Formal Strategy "regular bars deployed regularly, irregularly arranged, which responded to the following field of ideas: 1_
Occupy the least amount of land under the concept of giving the user the greatest amount of expansion possible. 2_
Managing indoor-outdoor relationship, and suggest that housing is "a whole." 3_
Flexibility in the entire building. 4_
simple units, each a "live" on whether misma_ "Less is more" ... 5_
by vacuum Unify the different bars.
This building work in court, (always looking at different spatial qualities) prioritizing the various needs and rethinking expansion at all times "Dwelling" of these complexes.
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