Monday, September 6, 2010

Nox Ubi Transierit Caelumque

Torta "Las Camelias"

This cake I made it with a base of caramel sweetbreads, moistened with plenty of syrup, and I applied three cuts.
fills the top and bottom are dark chocolate ganache to which I added chopped walnuts (toasted previously).
cutting in half put my dulce de leche pastry with white chocolate chips.
I decorated the surface with chocolate ganache (without nuts) and sides with whipped cream.
A small bouquet of camellias complete the set.
Chocolate Ganache:
350 gr cream
350 gr bitter chocolate pastry
a cup of toasted walnuts and chopped (not ground)
Place cream in a small saucepan and bring the fire. When it boils remove from heat and add previously chopped chocolate. Stir occasionally until chocolate is completely dissolved. Pass the preparation to a bowl that is capable of beating with electric mixer.
Cool in the freezer (stir occasionally preparation)
Once cold, beat with mixer until thickened to increase volume and (used to fill and also for decoration)
Once achieved the desired point will incorporate the nuts.


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