Saturday, September 4, 2010

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Urban Project PMCT A5

Graphical Models
1:5000 / 1:1000 / 1:500 / 1:250

Layers projective



Educational Building


Liniers Analysis

A 5 PU Chair: MYV / S Year 2010
Prof: Arch Lover
Hugo Cortes / Sasso / Toledo

Chair's proposal was to develop an urban project (20 hectares) in the Railway premises, neighborhood Liniers, Cap.Fed .. The terrain presented contained Sarfield Velez Stadium, with its buildings and the Barrio Kennedy. The program chosen was social housing, educational building, public park, social courts, private offices, public buildings (library, sports center, CGP, Hall published)
Project Strategy based on the following Formal: "Surround Verde, crossed by espacion axis functional organizer, "which responded to the next field of ideas:
1_ Find an element that unifies the buildings existing on the new architecture. 2_
improve the quality of neighborhood life. Build a pole 3_
Clerical / Green to relieve those in the Capital. 4_
Meeting the needs of the neighborhood, but also understand that it is a key point of transshipment. Connect 2 5_
avenues including Juan B. Justo and Rivadavia, Through a public park.
6_ Take Green Corridor Project as successful Western, trying to improve this proposal.
7_No create "no more", themselves the result of crossing the highway.
The entire field will work in court, (always looking at different spatial qualities) prioritizing the various needs and rethinking at all times "live" for multiple users.


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